PalUpNow! is designed to be socially, environmentally, and operationally sustainable.
Sustainability is the key to a better future. To be sustainable is to be conscious and responsible for your actions. Taking responsibility helps you be more mindful about your actions and its repercussions. Being sustainable is what gives hope for a better future for you and the future generations to come.
Here's how PalUpNow! is striving to achieve the UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).
"End poverty in all its forms everywhere."
PalUpNow! Charity🎗️, the philanthropic arm of PalUpNow!, invests in accessibility, children, education, environment, mental health, and physical health. PalUpNow! Charity shares donations with nonprofits that share our vision of serving underprivileged, vulnerable and marginalized communities.
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."
✔️ PalUpNow! collaborates with wellness coaches, who invest time in your mental and physical health.
✔️ To combat long-running diseases, PalUpNow! has introduced specialized Ride Pals for Cancer, Hyperthyroidism, and Multiple Sclerosis.
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all."
✔️ Founder Juni Mukherjee explains PalUpNow!'s (arguably, unusual) design choices to prevent further marginalization of vulnerable members.
✔️ Dr. Shalini Bhakta educates PalUpNow! community on mental health (Parts 1 .. 4).
✔️ Dr. Purba Das from Ohio University, USA analyzes how PalUpNow! scores on all four dimensions of a community
"Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls."
✔️ PalUpNow! empowers women and girls to lead service areas.
✔️ Instead of members signing up with their gender, we ask for only their pronouns. Even then, pronouns are optional.
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all."
PalUpNow! creates jobs for Pals that:
☄️ have flexible working hours and locations (including contactless options)
☄️ enable Pals to keep 💯% of their earnings!
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation."
✔️ PalUpNow! is a rare, innovative, and self-serve platform that enables Pals to keep 💯% of their earnings!
🤖 PalUpNow! builds resilient digital infrastructure that's powered by bots like Ocean, Echo, Royal, Finley, Sawyer, Monroe, Smilo, and Remy.
💚 PalUpNow! is designed to be socially, environmentally, and operationally sustainable.
"Reduce inequality within and among countries."
✔️ PalUpNow! connects Pals with people across continents who prefer to be served in contactless mode.
🌐 PalUpNow! invests in Pals from different countries who serve their local areas. The multilingual nature of our web app and LinkedIn nurture a global community.
🤖 Our team includes bots who operate globally without human bias.
"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns."
🎭 We anonymize your profiles (Flights and Rides). We don't share your personally identifiable information (PII) till you're matched.
🛡️ PalUpNow! is committed to ensuring the security and protection of your personal data, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection.
✔️ PalUpNow! invests in women, children and underprivileged Pals who pay it forward by serving the elderly and the less fortunate.
"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts."
✔️ As a huge boost to the climate and the global economy, Ride Pals assist people across the globe using online methods in a contactless fashion.
✔️ PalUpNow! encourages community members to walk and take public transport to minimize carbon emissions, when possible.
✔️ We have no tangible physical product, paper footprint, plastic footprint, and/or other tangible advertising material.
"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels."
🚀 PalUpNow! is a rare trailblazing marketplace that enables Flight Pals and Ride Pals to keep 💯% of their earnings!
✔️ Instead of members signing up with their age, we ask for only a range to reduce discrimination against ageism. Even then, age range is optional.
🛡️ We consistently evaluate our practices to ensure that your information is kept safe and secure, and strive to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development."
🤝 PalUpNow! partners help us scale and grow across the globe.
🎗️ PalUpNow! Charity, the philanthropic arm of PalUpNow!, shares donations with nonprofits that share our vision of serving underprivileged, vulnerable and marginalized communities. Through the liaisons, PalUpNow! is able to scale via vetted Pals on the ground, who’re equipped to handle local conditions.
⚖️ We're updating our agreements. You don't need to take any action. Our updated Terms of Service went into effect on November 5, 2024. Our updated Privacy Policy and new Cookie Policy went into effect on January 10, 2025,
🛡️ Exercise your privacy rights. Learn more about GDPR and CCPA at PalUpNow!. Read notices for Do Not Sell/Share My Information, Limit Use Of My Information, and Collection.
🌐 PalUpNow! sustainably creates both in-person and contactless jobs worldwide. Be a Pal. Get a Pal.