Need help? Contact us.
When you sign up to be a Flight Pal or to get a Flight Pal, you can specify one or more help categories.
You could give or get help in all categories, if the Flight Pal were to be appropriately compensated by the Flyer, who needs assistance.
PalUpNow! profiles are anonymized, and don't reveal your name, email, phone, age, and pronouns. Your flight plan can't be tied back to you.
Once you're matched 🎯, your flight plan is shared privately over email.
Our self-serve platform enables you to deactivate or delete your anonymized profile and data any time. If you have multiple profiles, you may choose to deactivate/delete some or all.
Even if you forget to take action, we have you covered. To protect your privacy, we will automatically delete your anonymized profile one year from your flight date. You'll receive a notification by email.
When you sign up to be a Flight Pal or to get a Flight Pal, you'll get an automated match alert 🎯 in your email almost immediately introducing you to your potential partners.
PalUpNow! match alert emails are in English. You could use the translation services provided by your email provider, like Gmail and Outlook. In general, you can use translation services like Google Translate or DeepL.
Your potential partners also get a match alert email with your contact information and preferences.
If you don't get a match alert email, it means there are no matches at that time. No action is needed on your part. The system will keep an eye on future matches, and will email you when it detects a match.
If you provide your phone number during sign-up, you'll get an SMS on your mobile phone to alert you of a potential match. You don't have to share your phone number if you don't want to. Email is mandatory.
Sign up with your intended flight date, and help us find the closest match 🎯. Note that flight number is optional.
Once you get matched 🎯 and introduced over email, you'll have the option to finalize the remaining details.
PalUpNow! has no control over flight delays. And neither do you.
Communicate using each other's contact information provided in the PalUpNow! match alert 🎯 email. Consider waiting in the same cafe or lounge in the airport.
Typically, the payment/gifting arrangement remains similar as discussed earlier, unless one of you wants to change it. Compensation, whether cash or gift, is typically done at the end of the flight.
PalUpNow! has no control over flight cancellations. And neither do you.
Communicate using each other's contact information provided in the PalUpNow! match alert 🎯 email.
Where feasible, consider booking the next available flight together with the same or similar payment/gifting arrangement as discussed earlier. Compensation, whether cash or gift, is typically done at the end of the flight.
Contact us to request a new airport.
Contact us to request a new airline.
When you sign up to get a Flight Pal, enter your own name and your friend/relative's contact information. PalUpNow! sends an email when a match 🎯 is detected.
If a phone number is available, you'll get an SMS alert when a potential match 🎯 is detected. The phone number is primarily for members to communicate with each other.
If you're not satisfied with your matches, you can contact us and we'll try to address your issue(s).
You can deactivate your profile on our self-serve platform. We'll pause your match alerts 🎯. When you're ready, reactivate your profile. No activation fee.
Or, delete your profile and data. If you have multiple profiles, you may choose to deactivate/delete some or all.
Flights profiles with flight dates in the past can't be reactivated. This is fundamentally different from Rides profiles, which can be deactivated and reactivated at any time.
The platform keeps Flights profiles active for 3 days after the flight date. This will alleviate the stress from missed, delayed, and cancelled flights, and during this chaos, people won't need to reactivate their profiles for at least a few days.
3 days after your flight date, we will automatically deactivate your profile, and you'll stop receiving match alerts 🎯.
To further preserve your privacy, we'll automatically delete your anonymized profile one year from your flight date. You'll receive a notification by email.
➜ Get alerted by email when you're matched.
➜ Contact your partner, and finalize a fee/gift for the Flight Pal.
⚖️ We're updating our agreements. You don't need to take any action. Our updated Terms of Service went into effect on November 5, 2024. Our updated Privacy Policy and new Cookie Policy went into effect on January 10, 2025,
🛡️ Exercise your privacy rights. Learn more about GDPR and CCPA at PalUpNow!. Read notices for Do Not Sell/Share My Information, Limit Use Of My Information, and Collection.
🌐 PalUpNow! sustainably creates both in-person and contactless jobs worldwide. Be a Pal. Get a Pal.